Structures Technician II Oklahoma City OK

For Most prestigios MRO for Heavy Commercial Aircrafts in OKLAHOMA CITY - QUANTA STAFFING is Hiring Now - STRUCTURES TECHNICIAN If you have 2 years of experience as Sheet Metal or Structural repairs and has tools this job is waiting for you We offer immediate hire full time job long term contract positons with Benefits (dental visual medical care) Life insuranace Vacation bonus and paid Holidays. Addtional to this our client in paying reallocation bonus ( 200 at 30 days of work) and over time bonus If you are interested please send your resume NOW at gmartinez(at)quanta.comSpread the word with your friends since we also have open positions for A& P Mechanics Interiors Technician Avionics Techs and QA inspector in the Area Looking forwards to hear from your Gisela MartinezAviation RecruiterOff 843.760.3799 ext. 205Cell 734.634.7384Fax 843.974.5442www.quanta.comEqual Opportunity Employer img logos 1183.png 687849



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