2005 Four Winds 33C Toy Hauler

One 2005 Fourwinds International Funmover 33C toyhauler on a Chevy Kodiak 5500 Chassis. This is powered by an 8.1 GM Gas engine with 35 662 miles. There is a Generac 5500 watt gas generator it has an 80 gallon fuel tank 4 electric hydraulic stabilizer jacks rear back up camera all six new tires at 27 000 miles 10 garage with electric over hydraulic 1600 lb. lift gate completely self-contained with fresh water storage gray and black water holding tanks with an on board water pump. Sleeps 4-5 people. No slides. Complete with bath propane 12vdc 120vac stove refrigerator convection oven and furnace. Plenty of cabin and garage storage cabinets along with storage compartments under the cabin. Will haul two dresser Harley motorcycles. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1008580.htm sthash.RRrtW94g.dpuf



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