I live in central california i was doing my daily routine last friday and i got a strange call. It was a woman in bakker city claiming to have my 2 year old grandson in her possession and that she was on scene when his father and mother were arrested. She picked him up and got him to safety. So whats a grandpa to do I paniced and drove here as fast as possible being 1000 miles away it took a while. My only vehicle consists of a huge plumbing van when i got to baker city the woman was at a hotel with my grandson safe warm and sound asleep. This woman was quite remarkable. I compensated her the best i could she deserves much more but after the trip and the hotel rooms my funds are depleted. At this moment my grandson is with his mother safe warm and not in cps custody. Thank you to this woman. So now i ask myself how do i get home How do i get this huge plumbing truck home No funds left please if you are able to help call me at 8058889276. Thank you..
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The Explorer clinical research study is not enrollingEXPLORER is a clinical research study designed to...
Kelsey Gates
Im looking for host families willing to open their hearts and homes to 15 students...
Shannon Irwin
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO CARE FOR CATS & KITTENS Shelter Pet Partners a 501 (c)(3) no-kill...
Shelter Pet Partners
We are seeking compassionate people who want to make a difference in the lives of...
Kim Levingston
ASSE currently does have a few wonderful students from mainland China (boys and girls) particularly...
Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts - Quincy at the Thomas Crane Public Library is a non-profit...
Mary Diggle
Meetings International is pleased to announce 6th World Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery will be...
Brian Wilson
The University of Indianapolis is conducting a web-based study to learn about how different types...
Social Interactions and Health Lab, University of Indianapolis
International Students Need Host Families Global Language Service Networks Inc. invites American families who are...
Monica Dionne
Are you a stay at home mom or dad retired part-time student or just want...
Monica Noland