Emmori Family Lawn & Landscapes 419-215-1802 emmorilandscapes(at)yahoo.comEmmori Family Lawn & Landscapes is a family owned full service lawn and landscape company dedicated to complete customer satisfaction. From our Master Gardener to our Design Specialist we have some of the most experienced staff in the area. We take a different hands on approach with our clients building the yard of their dreams inspired by their vision. We offer a wide variety of services and as always discounts to our Seniors the handicapped and disabled along with all Military Veterans and their families. We are offering discounted Spring clean ups and mulching through the month of April with savings up to 30%. We are also offering a FREE power washing package to all new mowing customersCall us today for your FREE ESTIMATE and get started on the yard of your dreams today Tired of mulching every year How does every 10 years sound Ask us about our large selection of rubber mulches. 99.9% steel free with a 10 year color guarantee.WE ALSO OFFER AFFORDABLE New landscape design & installation Do-it-yourself landscape designs Spring & Fall clean ups Weekly & biweekly mowing plans Monthly bed maintenance plans Irrigation installation & repairs Mulch & decorative stone installation Rubber playground mulch Water ponds & features Grading & seeding Lawn fertilization plans Hard scapes and patios Power washing packages Tree trimming & removal Stump grinding Outdoor lighting Holiday light installation Gutter clean outs AND MUCH MORE Mention this ad and receive an additional 10% off any qualified service



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