Nurse Practitioner - Urgent Care

URGENT CARE CLINIC Nurse Practitioner (NP) Delta County Memorial Hospital has a challenging mid-level need in our Urgent Care Clinic. This position will assist with medical management in all aspects of patient care including diagnosis treatments and consultations. She he practices independently according to established protocols and in collaboration with physician to deliver quality healthcare. FT 40 hour a week 8 hour shifts Monday Friday Rotate 12 hours shifts on the weekends No Call Clinic Only Care Full benefit package Relocation Assistance No Holidays QUALIFICATIONS Masters of Science in Nursing from an accredited program Must be licensed in the state of Colorado to practice as a Nurse Practitioner Three (3) years health care experience in an ED Family Practice or Urgent Care Facilty Current BLS ACLS & PALS required. Basic knowledge and experience utilizing a personal computer and EMR Knowledge in handling urgent care procedures is necessary including but not limited to sprains strains abscess drainage foreign body removal casting lacerations etc. Delta County is located in a large mountain valley at the confluence of the Gunnison and Uncompahgre Rivers just south of the Grand Mesa (the world s largest flat-top mountain). Delta County offers a mild climate with warm dry summers and moderate winters. State and national parks surround this area and offer varied recreational choices including skiing gold-medal fishing hiking and hunting. To learn more about this exciting opportunity contact our Human Resources Department at (970) 874-6406 or E-mail personnel(at) or visit our website at EOE



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