SELF-DIRECT YOUR IRA 401K -- SET-UP BY EXPERIENCED CPA DO YOU WANT AN EXPERIENCED CPA TO HELP YOU SET UP OR CONVERT YOUR IRA 401K TO A TRUE SELF-DIRECTED PLAN FOR REAL ESTATE Our solutions can provide you opportunities for real estate investments or other allowed options using your IRA 401k funds for tax-deferred or free income. We assist you in achieving your financial goals and objectives. FREE guidance given to clients desiring to gain more control of their IRA 401K assets. We advise and develop Limited Liability Companies (LLC s) to help you gain checkbook control and truly make your IRA 401K plan SELF-DIRECTED. We will advise you on how to structure real estate or private loan investments. WE CREATE CLIENT WEALTH WHILE REDUCING TAXES AND ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS. Contact us for FREE Information. Ken Lindow CPA Phone (480) 940-8351 Fax (480) 452-0843 Cell (480) 734-3758 Email Ken(at)



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