Pick-Up and Delivery Driver - Goodyear - JR-40028568

A Pick-Up and Delivery Driver s role is to pick up and deliver the needed Goodyear Commercial Tire and Service Center products as directed by Management in a timely and professional manner. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to Responsible for all aspects of pickup and delivery of new and retreaded commercial tires casings and other types of tire pickup and delivery between Goodyear Commercial Tire & Service Centers locations customers and Goodyear dealers. Assisting with loading and unloading commercial tires casings wheels mounted wheel assemblies and related products while following all safety rules and procedures. Preparing customer billing documents. Keeping all documents and maintenance records up to date on equipment assigned i.e. DOT Log. Performing general maintenance on truck and equipment. Performing any other duties as requested by management. REQUIREMENTS High School or GED preferred Associates degree in business or related field desired At least one year of relevant driving experience is preferred. Must be willing to follow all safety procedures and work in a safe manner. Must be able to work in a results-oriented fast-paced environment as part of a team. Must be a self-starter and willing to take the initiative able and willing to work without direct supervision. Must have a valid driver s license for the type of vehicle required for the position and be able to meet commercial driver qualification requirements including being at least 21 years of age. Some positions require a CDL. Equal opportunity Employer Minorities Women Protected veteran Disabled Apply to this opportunity at s www.candidatecare.com srccsh RTI.home r 5000376496810& c 8& d goodyear2.candidatecare.com& _dissimuloSSO uzG519TxGhQ PpSfEHr56mggeNsedWKzuK9VTHk& rb CLASSIFIEDADS



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