Real Estate Wanted

Are you exploiting your real estate license to its fullest extent Real estate is the 1 business that can take you anywhere from earning 30 000 to 1 Million per year if you are willing to dedicate yourself to it This is the kind of business that you can control on your own. Lexington Real Estate LLC is looking for realtors that want to work as full time or a part time agent. Our commission plans start at 80 20 for all realtors regardless of experience At Lexington Real Estate we want individuals that want to grow economically and professionally with our team. The realtors that we need must be proactive and willing to provide the finest customer service for the clients. We guaranty training support leads and more We also have property management vacation rentals cleaning services pool maintenance and security services for investors that need an all-in-one package deal.Call Yadira Menendez at 407.778.5055 or send an email at yadira(at) for details or apointments.



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