Single Family Colonial Home Only 9900

Ranch style home with 2 bedrooms 1 full bath & basement. Home needs TLC but has endless potential. Convenient location - easy access to shopping schools & expressways. Home is located at 2614 SENECA FLINT MI 48504. Approx. 1 220 Sq. Ft. Lot size approx. 5 250 Sq. Ft. Built in 1941.This property just came out of foreclosure and is offered by Global Premier Asset Management. Offered at Only 9 900. Property is vacant and will need some type of repair or updating it is an older home. All wholesale assets are sold as is where is of course. Property Source has a private party that offers a No questions asked finance program with No Interest offered to Anyone with No Credit check No Income check. All that s needed to qualify is a minimum 50% down payment and your approved. It s that Simple Priced at 11 500. Cash buyers received discounted price of 9 900. This asset company has over 150 Nationwide Assets to liquidate. 50 being in Detroit MI average price 3 900 to 9 900. All offered well below wholesale value if interested please email our office for a complete list. We are the Largest and Only Direct Wholesaler In the Detroit Area of Foreclosed Assets.Property Source Asset Liquidation DivisionA Nationwide DIRECT Wholesaler Of Foreclosed ASSETS We Are The 1 Supplier In The Detroit Wholesale Market. Florida Detroit Wholesale Asset Specialists 313-626-9600 Detroit Office908-751-9600 New Jersey Office



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