Shelby GT500

This 1969 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 has a 428 C.I. Cobra Jet Ram Air V8 4 Speed Manual Transmission 1 of 1 402 GT500 s Built in 1969 1 of 448 4 Speed Fastback Built in 1969 Correct Gulfstream Aqua Exterior Correct Black Clarion Corinthian Vinyl High Back Bucket Interior Power Steering Power Disc Brakes AM Radio Deluxe Seat Belts Rim Blow Steering Wheel w Tilt Period Correct Air Conditioning Fold Down Back Seat Fog Lamps Roll Bar Dual Sport Mirrors w Remote Adjustment Recent Nut & Bolt Restoration Correct 15 Shelby Wheels w Goodyear Polyglas Tires Deluxe Marti Report Original Dealer Invoice Extensively Restored GT500 w Documentation & Full Marti Report.



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