1993 Winnebago Minnie Winnie

Description---------------------------------- ------------------Winnebago tires have roughly 90% elastic pretty much. Save tire is shiny new and never been utilized. The generator is an Onan 4000 and has 135 hours. The RV accompanies a full estimated tent that can rest up to 6 individuals or more there is a convenient BBQ for cooking different outdoors supplies swim tube that is still taken care of never been opened a vast business review Stihl cutting tool has been incorporated this thing can chop down any tree you want There are street flares additionally and an excessive amount of additional to list. There are two stereos prepared on the mentor one is inside on the dash board for tuning in to while out and about and an open air one for playing your most loved music while BBQing or unwinding by the lake waterway side. Propane and electric constrained air warm and brilliant warmth as warmth sources inside the home. 1993 Winnebago Minnie Winnie this is a 27 Class C There are street flares additionally and an excessive amount of additional to list. There are two stereos prepared on the mentor one is inside on the dash board for tuning in to while out and about and an open air one for playing your most loved music while BBQing or unwinding by the lake stream side. Propane and electric constrained air warm and brilliant warmth as warmth sources inside the home. New overwhelming obligation profound cycle batteries for the house new battery in the engine also. New latrine seat and top old one is utilized with some scratchesContact me (912) 421-0461



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