1990 Case IH 5130A Tractor For Sale in Albia Iowa 52531

1990 Case IH 5130A Tractor For Sale in Albia Iowa 52531Get ready to maximize your efforts in the field with this 1990 Case IH 5130A Tractor . This durable tractor has been very well maintained which has enabled its work ready condition. It comes fully loaded with options and features that are perfect for any hard working individual. Highlights of These Features Include ROPLess Than 12 500 Hours4WD99 Horsepower6 Cylinder Diesel EngineEverything Works As It ShouldAlways Started In The WinterOnly Used For Hay And Moving Bales ( Two At A Time ) Shed Stored For The Last 14 Years 510 Case IH Loader With 7 Bucket And Front Bale Stabber 16 Speed Standard Synchromesh Transmission With Forward And Reverse Lever On Steering WheelHydrostatic Power Steering 3PTFour Hydraulic Hookups540 1000 PTOSix Working LightsTractor Recently Serviced And So Much More This 1990 Case IH 5130A Tractor is ready to get to work for you. It is field ready and eager to help you start generating revenue right away. If you are someone who appreciates quality equipment at a great price than you owe it to yourself to check out this 1990 Case IH 5130A Tractor. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to gain industry success because this tractor is priced to sell. Call today for more information on how you can put this industrious 1990 Case IH 5130A Tractor to work for you



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