We have the treasures you ve been wanting...Fantastic King Size

If you missed last week you missed a lot We are getting ready for this week and you will not be disappointed.If you didn t get what you wanted last week no worries here is your second chance with a fabulous floor full of treasures Let s start with some great iron planters to get your yard beautiful decorator iron pieces an amazing King Size Iron Bed lovely tile top server claw foot table with leaves reclaimed furniture high boy dressers bedroom suits David Marsh signed mirrors Seth Thomas Clock Haviland China this is just our Monday start more to come so be watching for updates and pictures Our doors will open at 5pm for previewing the fabulous floor set and the sale will start at 7pm. It is never too early to reserve seats just give us a call at 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the link on our Facebook page. Also visit us at our website www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.comWe look forward to seeing you there Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Charge AcceptedOpen to the Public Dealers Welcome



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