Open House - New Construction Homes In Mt Dora

Come preview our models and homes at Sorrento Springs in Mount Dora in our new Gated Golf Community. Call 407 655 6619 Our Open House Day is Wednesday March 18th from 10am to 6pm From 176 999 - 236 999 School District Lake County Elementary School Sorrento Middle School Mt. Dora High School Mt. Dora Sq. Ft. Range 1 695-3 237 Royal Oak Homes NOW SELLING in this amazing golf course community Just miles away from Mt.Dora Lake Mary and Orlando Sorrento Springs is nestled in the gentle rolling hills of Sorrento Florida. This community features amenities such as the Eagle Dunes golf course & club a swimming pool 2 tennis courts a fitness center and clubhouse a pavilion and a playground. Sorrento Springs is located in Central Florida and is less than an hour north of Orlando. This community is just eight miles from the quaint city of Mount Dora where you can find antique shops abound or just enjoy a leisurely lunch or dinner at the many fine restaurant choices. Get a quick move in home or custom build your dream home. Call 407 655 6619 or visit our website at



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