2013 Rotochopper Go-Bagger 250

2013 Rotochopper Go-Bagger 250 - Automatic Bag Filler Almost New- Only 110 hours used Located in Topeka Kansas High Production Package Includes- Chaffee water cooled variable speed sealer Automated 10 bag conveyor 20.6 Hp Tier 3 Kubota 0902 diesel power unit3 16 reinforced 2.5 cubic yard heavy duty hopper 16 V-cleat feed conveyor belt with high torque 45 cubic inch motor Removable full length hopper agitator with high torque 45 cubic inch motor 24 impulse plastic bag sealer with foot pedal control 16 Easy Glide gravity bag conveyor 5.200 Ib TorFlex Axle with DOT lighting and electric brakes 2 5 16 adjustable ball coupler hitch Hydraulic pressure controlled bagging head with foot pedal control Attached retractable bag tray Large frame & jaw assembly for bagging loose free flowing materials Small frame & jaw assembly for bagging dense materials S Beam load cell for weight filled bags This unit has 110 hours and is in like new condition 45 000 FOB Topeka. These are 57 000 new.



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