Carrington at Windermere FL.

Carrington at Windermere FL. Carrington at Windermere FL. is proud to present its newest community by Ashton Woods Homes. Located just minutes from the Walt Disney World and all of Central Florida s major attractions its no wonder these townhomes are selling fast. Carrington at Windermere FL offers luxury townhomes with anywhere from 3-4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and private 2 car garages are also available. Since most of Windermere is surrounded my lakes it makes it one of Florida most scenic areas. The Butler Chain of Lakes create the ultimate water sport fans a dream come true. Whether it be fishing boating water skiing or simply relaxing by the shore Windermere FL. is the place to be. Stay up to date with this community and other like it through our Facebook page. Carrington at Windermere FL. not only offers brand new luxury townhomes or great amenities such as a pool fitness facility clubhouse and more. It also offers security and peace of mind. You can trust the every single detail of each townhome has been inspected numerous times for the best quality and results. You can never go wrong making Carrington at Windermere FL your new home. Search homes in Windermere FL and Follow our blogs for insider information and builder discounts. Windermere s school system comes highly ranked in overall grades and education. With more than enough PK-12 schools to choose from you won t have any issues finding the right school for your kids. Carrington at Windermere FL. is near Windermere Elem SunRidge Middle and West Orange High creating a safe distance from home to school. Download our free app to search for more homes available for sale. Carrington at Windermere FL. Interesting in a career in real estate Visit our website for details.



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