6354 ArtworkBrandDesign Photo Bank Offer

6 354 Artwork Brand Design Photo Bank Offer6 354 Photos. All images are already photographed edited designed start-up Brands and categorized. Immediate uses for products logo design Brand startups clothing art production design blueprints as stock image licensing sell or trade and possibly more. Data 7.31 gigabytesOPTION DEPOSITBuy Out 10% 63 540 (at) 10 per image. Buyer retains copyright if paid in full.Licensing 2 Month Advance 1000 month per one year contract. Artist not active participant or due to rework photos.Partnership 3 Month Advance 529.50 month 5 partner (at) 5 year terms.With continued re-editing and rendering of photos.Investment 6 Month Advance 264.75 month plus 10% On all net sales (at) 5 year term. Artist not active participant or due to rework photos.ALL IMAGES ARE 100% ORIGINAL WORKS PHOTOGRAPHED AND DIGITALLY MANIPULATED BY MYSELF ONLY ... THE PHOTOGRAPHER & ARTIST GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC AUTHORSHIP. DEPOSIT AND BILL OF SALE AGREEMENT CONTRACT ANNUITY REQUIRED



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