Charming 2 Level Rancher in Annapolis

Bright & Open 2 level rancher situated on a .17 acre corner lot Beautiful hardwood flooring throughout the living room & upper hallway spacious eat in kitchen finished lower level offers large rec room w wood stove full bathroom & utility room. Huge deck off the kitchen for entertaining. Attached 1 car garage and detached 1 car garage (could be removed for more yard space). TEXT Free Instant Info & Photos Straight to Your Mobile Phone Text 2784598 to 79564 . CALL Free 24 Hour Pre-Recorded Message with Property Info Call 1-800-250-3449 and Enter Home Code 2023. For More Photos Virtual Tour Visit listings 1970-dominoe-road-annapolis-md-21401 For More Details or to Schedule a Private Showing Contact the Lee Hatfield Team with Keller Williams Flagship of Maryland at 410-729-4343



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