Discerning as hell hoping you re out there

I m tired of dating. I hate the dating apps which seem more like hook up apps to me. It feels nearly impossible to meet a man in real life because men are afraid to strike up a conversation with a pretty lady in 2018 in america without giving off the wrong impression. Basically I m super jaded with this whole dating scene but lonely nonetheless so here I am. I m being discerning this time around and asking for a lot. You should be have incredibly dark sense of humor vegetarian or at least super cool with it (please don t be like my ex who resents me for never cooking him a steak) lover of animals (cats for the win) highly intelligent older than me and unmarried (late 20 s and up) likes to take the lead in bed professionally grounded lover of 420 ( I mean lover not looking for a guy who tokes ocassionally) impeccable music taste (we can discuss later on but I don t joke when it comes to my music) Please don t waste both of our time if this guy isn t you. And please spare me the messages about how unfair I m being to all of the men who don t fit this detailed description. I m an amazing woman and I m allowed to be discerning in my search. Send me your pic at candicemeyer529(at)gmail.com



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