Bichon FriseMaltese 4 girls 3 males 8 weeks old

Father is Maltese 7 lbs mother is bichon Frise 9 lbs Maltese does not shed and is therefore a good choice for people with dog allergies. They are extremely lively and playful and even as a Maltese ages its energy level and playful demeanor remain fairly constant They also adore humans and prefer to stay near them.[38] The Maltese is very active within a house and preferring enclosed spaces does very well with small yards. For this reason the breed also fares well in apartments and townhouses and is a prized pet of urban dwellers Maltese have no undercoat and have little to no shedding if cared for properly. They are affectionate and intelligent. one all white male 6 males and females are light apricot color



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