6x10 Enclosed Trailer Extra Height

We have a 6 x 10 Enclosed Trailer for SALE All our Enclosed Trailers are NEW This 6 x 10 Enclosed Trailer can be yours for ONLY 2 403.00 Come Check us out When Placing a Small Deposit Down This will Ensure you The Enclosed Trailer That you are wanting to PurchaseWe Also do Custom Enclosed Trailers They come in Many different sizes and colorsThis 6 x 10 Enclosed Trailer comes with Aluminum Tear Drop Fender-- 32 Side Door with Flush lock-- Single 2 990lbs Leaf Spring Axle with 4 Drop-- Way Bargman Plug-- LED Strip Tail light-- Ball Coupler 2 -- V - Nose Front with Vertical Aluminum Tread Plate (ATP) Trim-- Rear Medium Duty Ramp Door with Spring Assist-- Floor Cross member 16 on Center-- 3 Extra height-- Approximate Interior Height 75 ( 6 3 Extra Height )-- 2 x Silver powder Coated Modular Style Steel Rim with Center Cap-- A - Frame Style Tongue-- Wall members 16 on Center-- Manual Crank roof ventPlease Contact us to make sure he Size Enclosed Trailer is in Stock at our Lcation If not in Stock we can Order you oneThis 6 x 10 Enclosed Trailer can be used for Food Concession Dirt Bike Lawn Mower Land Scaping Delivery Bread Traile Youh Activity and more.We are SNAPPER TRAILERS Located in Fayetteville NC 28306 Please CALL us at (910) 705 - 8330 Ask fo Josh Herber or Steve PettitWe are OPEN Mon Thru Fri 9 to 5 and on Saturdays 9 to 3 and Closed on Sunday



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