Everything you need for baby toddler or maternity

861 Pioneer Woods Drive Indianapolis 46224Friday June 1 - Saturday June 27 30 - 3 00 Girl s Clothes Newborn - 3TBoy s Clothes Newborn - 24 MonthsClothes are in great condition with no holes or stains. Some items still have tags and many others have only been worn once or twice. Sets are paired and don t require any sorting or matching.Brands Janie & Jack Under Armour Baby Gap Carters OshKosh Children s Place Gymboree Old Navy Cat & Jack aden anais In addition there are bibs burp cloths socks shoes jackets winter coats snow suits hats & gloves bathing suits swim diapers full body rash guards sun hats blankets halloween costumes sippy cups bottles cart covers toys ...NEW - FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers with Inserts - NEWSnugaMonkey SwingHalo Sleepsacks and SwaddlesSummer Infant SwaddlesBathtubChanging Pad and lots of coversLike new Boppy with waterproof cover and many coversSpace Saving JumparooBaby Einstein Play GymLamaze Firefly Musical MobileDr. Brown Bottle WarmerMoby WrapMany more itemsLots of maternity clothes. Mostly size small medium - long sleeved and short sleeved tops tank tops jeans nursing bras nursing tanks nursing top nursing scarves covers.



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