Stunning healthy english bulldog puppies

Outstanding traditional red and white English Bulldog puppies ready now for their forever homes. These pups have had round the clock care from birth. They are fully up to date with worming treatment and are microchipped, vaccinated with first vaccine and fully health checked by a bulldog council registered vets. Mum is a beautiful red and white and is up to date with health check, full KC registered and has an outstanding bloodline of which Britishpride Louis Vutton is her great grandfather. Dad is an excellent example of English bulldog full KC registered and also traditional red and white. We have had the pleasure of using him in the past with our other female and he produced an outstanding litter. He?s encouraging the longer snout and hind legs which is perfect for the health of these dogs. Picture included of a female we kept who is representing her dad to high standard. Please don?t hesitate to get in touch for any further information. Our Home is fully secured with CCTV



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