Preparation for the first time at the gym

First going to the gym can be quite daunting it s human nature to be apprehensive of something new. However if we stick at it we soon become accustomed and comfortable with our surroundings - and thrive Some Most Important Things You Should Keep in Your Mind When You Start Gym. 1. IF YOU NEED HELP ASK FOR IT The gym staffs are there for exactly that you are paying for them Never be afraid to ask for help when you are in the gym whether it s to have a particular machine explained you need a spotter or you want some advice 2. PRIORITISE MOVING CORRECTLY The first thing you have to learn is how to move your joints in a safe manner in their full range of motion. This takes priority over doing lots of reps or adding heavy weights. 3. BE CONSISTENT First learn to be consistent in your training rather than trying to be a world beater It s better to be consistent daily than amazing once a week 4. PICK A DIET YOU CAN STICK TO The best diet is always the one you can stick to long term. Forget the fads and extremes Get fit with just a tap. Download FITPASS And reach your fitness goal.



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