American Sign Language Classes

Summer of 2018 American Sign Language classes now offered in Downtown Frederick These beginner ASL classes will take place Wednesday evenings in June at the Bernard W. Brown Community Center. A veteran Deaf professor and performer Frederick resident David Rivera teaches the ASL Time course.The four-week course will cover the fundamentals of the language and by the end of the month learners will be able to have basic conversations with Deaf people including learning the alphabet numbers greetings vocabulary Deaf culture and more The course will conclude with a Deaf social where the class can practice their newly learned language skills in a comfortable real life setting Frederick has a huge Deaf community and it is so awesome to see how many people want to learn American Sign Language to be able to communicate with our community members said Rivera.Check out for registration and class info. The 4 night course is June 6 June 13 June 20 and June 27 from 6 00pm-7 30pm. The cost is 175. Services such as tutoring mentoring and ASL Classes for higher signing level or even for children only are also available. For more questions don t hesitate to contact me through my website or email me at ASLTimeinfo(at)



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