AKC black lab male pups

Only TWO male puppies left out of our litter of 11 AKC registered black Labrador retriever puppies These cuties are going to be amazing hunting retrievers and lifelong companions They come from a long line of extremely successful retrievers (3 generation pedigree provided) Dad is a master hunter and mom is a junior hunter. They are almost 7 weeks old and we will start letting them go home on Memorial Day weekend just in time for summer First set of shots wormed declaws removed health guarantee The yellow collar male is the largest of our litter. Parting with this one will be bittersweet as he is a family favorite We can t wait to see what this guy does on the field He shows a lot of characteristics of his dad (Chief) and we wouldn t be surprised at all to hear that he is following in his dad s footsteps and becomes a master hunter We have dubbed him Hoss Blue collared male is the second smallest in our litter Don t let his size fool you because he is fierce His confidence and ability to take on a few of his siblings at a time keeps us in stitches We know this guy is going to be an awesome hunting companion Chief the sire is a beautiful yellow male with excellent drive and determination when it comes to hunting and retrieving. He is an excellent family dog when he s not working. Chief is a Drake x Cabella pup. Chief has his HRCH and MH. Chief has OFA hips excellent OFA elbows normal CERF normal. He is EIC and CNM clear. Nora has the BEST disposition and all the qualities we love to see in a family companion and hunting retriever. Nora is a Jackahomerun x Ellie pup. She has an extremely high drive and lives to retrieve birds for her boy. She has an athletic smaller frame weighing in at 55 pounds. Nora has earned her SHR and JH titles and will be continuing on for her senior hunt title when her pups have been weaned. She is EIC and CNM clear.



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