I m currently in search of a yorkie puppy. Would prefer that it isn t older than 8 weeks and would really like someone with a litter so we can choose the best one for us. Willing to drive a max of 2 hours to pick him her up. Would prefer papers but it s not a must. Please text 423-367-6161 if you have puppies. Thank you
Category: Pets - Trade or Wanted
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I have a 4 pound 2 year old energetic female yorkie whom needs a companion...
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Hi We have an olde english female bulldog. We are looking for an old english...
I ve been looking for another puppy and having no luck. I m looking for...
looking for fresh or frozen dead pets for taxidermy. E-mail text if you have any...
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Vicky Hardin
I am looking to breed my female golden retriever Jenna in the near future. I...
Kimberly Forton