Educational Counsellor

Transglobal International School is seeking an Educational CounsellorPosition Educational CounsellorWages 28.57 hourTypes Full-time PermanentWorking Hours 30 hrs weekBenefits 10 days paid vacation per year or 4% of gross salaryJob Duties Counsel students regarding educational issues such as course and program selection time tables and scheduling school adjustment attendance problems and study skills Develop and run guidance and counseling programs to help students deal with difficulties resulting from culture shock language barrier and unfamiliar environment Counsel students regarding personal and social issues such as depression anxiety self-esteem family problems relationship and interpersonal skills and anger management Co-ordinate the provision of counseling and information services to students parents and teachersJob requirements Min. 2 years Exp.Education Requirements College diploma Job Location Delta BCContact Information Transglobal International School Contact Name Claudio Bae Business Address 6570 1A Avenue Delta BC V4L 1A5 e-mail tgisclaudio(at)



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