HardwoodHome Reno

Best hardwood installer in the city. I love my job and take an artistic point of view to it.I have six years experience in hardwood installations. I do laminate hardwood glue downs and various installations of ALL kinds regarding floors. We even re level floor joists and basement concretes.Demolition and re framing and drywall available.We also have eves trough machines and build your materials on the job site. Workmanship and quality is our number one guarantee. Floors and trough come with a five year works man ship guarantee.Hardwood 1.50 You Pay materials and workers only. Once job is complete is when the remainder is fulfilled.Trough 5 You Pay materials and workers only. Once job is complete is when the remainder is fulfilled.Demo and Rebuild need estimate.Estimate fee is removed if used for the job at hand.Only serious inquiries please we work for your what you expect and NOTHING less. Which is why you pay when our job is complete. Please Contact Eli 647 886 0873



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