Containers Delivery Included (TOTAL PRICE) - Shipping Conex Cont

Text Call (505) 633 - 4218 We deliver anywhere in the state. TOTAL COST DELIVERED (wind and watertight containers) Guaranteed no leaks holes with solid floor and walls. Perfectly working doors and gaskets. 20 2549 40 2645 We can provide a quote for different cities OR we can also provide quotes for NEW units. Customer assisted delivery included (based on delivery zipcode) Roll-off delivery also available for an extra charge If you have a truck and trailer you can also pick up the container and save some money. SIZES 20 20 long x 8 wide x 8.6 tall - They are 5 000 lbs (each container may vary per manufacturer) 40 40 long x 8 wide x 8.6 tall - They are 8 000 lbs (each container may vary per manufacturer) 40 HC 40 long x 8 wide x 9.6 tall - They are 8 400 lbs (each container may vary per manufacturer)



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