Physical Therapist

We are looking for an experienced Physical Therapist to join our patient rehabilitation team and provide therapy and rehabilitation services to patients. The ideal candidate is a compassionate healer who is passionate about their patients and committed to helping them recover their independence and mobility. We re looking for someone who is always ready to learn new techniques to further patient care. The person hired for the Physical Therapist position would partner with new and ongoing patients in our facility to create a Plan of Treatment consisting of the appropriate exercises procedures and techniques required to promote effective safe recovery. They will be responsible for coordinating with any healthcare professional who are working with their patients and referring patients to specialists when appropriate. The right candidate is a patient compassionate professional who encourages and inspires their patients to work toward greater independence and recovery. Responsibilities for Physical TherapistPerform initial and ongoing physical therapy evaluations according to APTA standards of practice as well as state standards. Develop Plan of Treatment for each patient based on initial and ongoing evaluations including short and long term goals collaboration demands of other staff members and required patient and caregiver involvement. Implement Plan of Treatment on a consistent schedule and adjust this schedule and plan according to patient progress. Document patient progress according to approved medical documentation and facility documentation procedures. Evaluate mobility strength and current level of patient function while setting goals to improve in these areas that are scaled to patient abilities and realistically attainable. Report patient progress to patient patient caregivers and loved ones facility staff and healthcare professionals involved in ongoing treatment care of patients. Develop a plan for patients following completion of their Plan of Treatment with appropriate in-home care services. Maintain professional and technical knowledge through attending educational workshops reviewing professional publications etc. Assist other facility staff members as needed to provide care and create a clean orderly and effective environment for rehabilitation and physical therapy. Qualifications for Physical TherapistProven record of matching patient needs to treatment plans and proven record of implementing these plans safely and effectively. Knowledge of responsible use of facility equipment best practices for equipment use and preventative maintenance procedures. Knowledge of Physical Therapy and an understanding of when these techniques can benefit patients. A strong sense of empathy a compassionate outlook on PT and the ability to motivate patients into pushing their limits in a responsible safe way. We are looking for someone with at least 2 years of experience providing physical therapy to patients in a fully equipped PT facility and who has the following qualifications BS or Master s Degree in Physical Therapy from a physical therapy program approved by the American Physical Therapy Association Current Physical Therapy license for state of operation. Current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification.



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