Fantastic Auction Saturday May 19th....Kenneth Cole Diesel Watch

Get ready for another fabulous auction Saturday May 19th at the best auction house around...Magnolia Gardens Auction House We have a floor full of treasures everyone will love....Kenneth Cole And Diesel Men s Watches(get a jump on Father s Day gifts) a great Industrial Pub Style Table and Stools a great Farm Table and Chairs Lalique Lladro Waterford Seth Thomas Mantel Clock cast iron toys Coaster Leather Theater Seating Mid Century Dresser Bed and so much more to come Our doors open at 5pm for viewing and sale starts at 7pm. As always you can call and reserve seats at 281-516-7251 if no answer please leave a message the auction house number will be the best to call this is week as Ms. Tina is out of town and will be back Friday evening. Also if you can t make it and wish to leave an absentee bid you may call the number above and leave amount of bid payment and contact information. You may also use the link on our Facebook page to reserve seats. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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