Recording Studio We Do - Rock - Rap - RandB - Jazz- Country Musi

DPME BEST STUDIO FOR BANDS The oldest continuously operating recording studio in Philadelphia we have recorded some of the best releases for over 35 years Gold & Platinum records by Artists & Record Labels in all genres of music have been produced at Third Story. Artists include Patti Labelle The Dead Milkmen Fall Out Boy Subpop Records John Legend The Disco Biscuits Tori Amos Tower of Power Grover Washington Jr. Sony Records Alternative Tentacles etc. 1 Hr. 65 3 Hr. 150 4 Hr. 250 5 Hr. 300 Master Disc 10 If you need more time we can work out a better deal. In most rap sections if you all ready have your music produced you can lay 1 or 2 songs in 1 hr. So it can cost 75 and you get the master disc (Please know your words the recording will go much smoother and it saves time and money. Where Located in a former Rambler car factory Third Story is huge and among musicians it s known for its Big Sound . please call or send a text for appointments call 215-294-0833



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