Summer Job 40hrweek House Painting (Fayetteville NC)

I am looking for people to hire for residential house painting starting this month. I will have around 80k worth of work for a couple of crews to produce this summer. The job is full time 40 hours week Monday -Friday. Pay is 9- 15 hr based on performance and experience. I am looking for highly motivated and hardworking individuals to be part of a productive team. The job will be a full time summer position with a chance to promote from within for management position starting in fall 2018. Expect to be in a fast paced fun outdoors working environment. Jobs are in Fayetteville NC. Reliable transportation to job sites is mandatory truck is preferred. Any painting experience is preferred but not necessary. Manual labor construction or landscaping experience required. We will provide on -jobsite training. Must Be 18 yrs or older Have reliable transportation (A CAR TRUCK) Be able to work full time (40hrs wk) Have good communication skills Be reliable and show up on time ready and willing to work. Call or text if interested.



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