Buy Profitable Skardi Shops 269 sq.ft Rs. 64 Lacs

Skardi s Shops is the best option for business doers It offers excellent opportunity to run their own shop at very reasonable price. In multiple range of the commercial shops are available where 269 sq.ft the shops can be possessed at the price comparatively low in the zone. Neighborhood has maximum population density for your business. Call Us for booking of shops with Skardi.Skardi Greens Shops Amenities -Parking Facility 24 7 CCTV surveillance 24 7 Power Backup 24 7 Water Supply Centrally Air Conditioned Clubs Multi-cuisine Restaurant Elevator service .Project Details -Project Name Skardi Greens Retail Shops Location Ghaziabad Shop Area 269 Sq. Ft. Price 6400000 Contact for Booking Now -TruHome Realty B-67 2nd Floor Sector 63 Noida - 201301. Call- 91-9910508803



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