Available Prime commercial space in RAYA MALL DIP Dubai Investme

Al Raya mall is prime commercial mall located in the heart of DIP it offers small and big commercial units for various business requirements almost ready to move in Dubai Investment Park Dubai Investment Park has been separated into three district regions. Each of them has set a standard for high distinct developments. It has redefined the idea of living and working at the same region and making it exclusive of developments in Dubai. Property Types Available 1. Showrooms 2. Shops 3. Supermarkets 4. Medical Centre s 5. Restaurants Properties Available In Al RAYA MALL DIP Dubai Investment Park 1. Restaurant Kitchen with 914 SQFT for rent in RAYA MALL 2. 312 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent 3. 335 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent 4. 428 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent 5. Available 4 shops of 232 SQFT for Rent in RAYA MALL 6. SUPERMARKET of 4760 SQFT for rent in RAYA MALL 7. 1446 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent 8. 1003 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent 9. 865 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent 10. 956 SQFT Shop in RAYA MALL For Rent For Details Click Here goo.gl el0ejQ OR Call Mr. Dinesh 055 279 2403 Email web_uae(at)3villaz.com shiv(at)3villaz.com



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