2260-15th AVE SE SALMON ARM BCThis prime residential building lot is 0.24 of an acre (78 x 137) has southern exposure and backs onto a green space. Located in Hillcrest Heights a new subdivision located right next to Hillcrest Elementary School. This level lot has mature trees and backs onto protected greenspace and a farmers field. Lot size means plenty of room for a detached shop or triple garage RV parking pool or back yard ice rink. R8 zoning allows a legal suite. This new subdivision is located in a quiet residential area next to Hillcrest Elementary School walking distance to the middle school and a short walk to Little Mountain Park. This is an ideal location for a family home or if you are looking for a bit of elbow room. For more information please contact MLS 10155410 Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at) Jordan Grieve BComm Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at) HOMELIFE SALMON ARM Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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