2002 Pleasure-Way Excel TD

This Class-B RV sleeps 2 with separate twin beds (27.5 x74 26 x69 ) that can easily switch into a KING SIZE BED (78 x 71 ) When you wake up from a comfortable good night rest the area can be switch back into a dining area to enjoy a cozy meal. The kitchen comes with a 2 burners LP stove aluminum backsplash for easy cleaning mini refrigerator microwave and a sink. The RV have a 360 (5.9L) Magnum V8 engine with a Dodge B 3500 Chassis 245HP (at)4 000 RPM 35 Gal Fuel Tank (estimate about 15-18 MPG) Automatic Transmission with Electronic Overdrive Towing Capacity of 3 000lbs Cruise Control Power Door Locks and Windows Driver s and Passenger s Side Air Bag and matching spare tires. The tires are in good condition and the motor is currently running great.



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