110 661 ROSS ST NE SALMON ARM BCGreat location for this 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in Macintosh Grove for 55 . This first floor apartment faces the inner courtyard and has 1227 sq ft and features an open plan with spacious living area master bedroom with full ensuite and walk in closet in suite laundry and a private deck. Loads of amenities when you live in Macintosh Grove include secure heated underground parking spacious storage activity room with Happy Hour Saturday Socials Crib and Bridge nights pool and shuffle board tournaments. This is a place to meet friends and spend time with family. Additional features include heated wood work shop exercise room crafts room handicap access elevators inside mail delivery and guest suite. The entire complex and grounds are very well maintained and look great. Strata fees include all maintenance landscaping heat and water and sewer. Walking distance to town right by a bus stop or easy access for driving this popular complex has something for everyone who is 55 . MLS 10157892 For more information please contact Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at)shaw.ca Jordan Grieve BComm Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at)shaw.ca HOMELIFE SALMON ARM REALTY.com www.jimgrievesalesteam.com Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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