Scottish straight kitten for sale

Scottish straight kitten with excellent pedigree blue point color male DOB - 01.20.18.Our kitten is born and raised in Magaras Cattery in Europe.Simba is good-natured playful and intelligent.He is very attached to human caregivers and likes to sit on their laps.He is available to a new loving home in beginning of May.Dewormed and vaccinated. Health certificate included. Litter box trained.You can pick up the kitten personally or he can be delivered around the area of Atlanta Georgia or any state by air cargo.The reservation of a kitten can be done in most forms of payment (bank cash paypal etc).You can find video on Facebook s Scottish-fold-163228534352572 We are looking forward to your call 404 323 8892 or email magaraskittens(at)



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