1990 Jeep Wrangler YJ

1990 Jeep Wrangler. Not running. Was running until son decided to rear end someone. Has 500.00 worth of new parts in front suspension alone with less than 500 miles on them. BestTop soft top put on in 2012. 4 new street tires with less than 2000 miles on tires 225PS70X15. 4 brand new shocks. Brand new bearings and tie rods up front. Can piece out for more than 1200.00 but want out of my garage. Straight six engine with four wheel drive working. Looking for someone who need parts or wants to part out themselves. Looking for the room in my garage. Will take a look at any serious cash offer. Call or text me at 317-782-9324 to take a look at it. Ask for David.



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