Apple iPhone 8 64gb GSM and CDMA UNLOCKED

We are SPECIALIZED in wholesale supply of brand new 100% original China brand phones factory unlocked Such as apple iphone Samsung phone Huawei xiaomi HTC and so on available in all colors and model such as 32GB and 64GB. Order from www.proudsale.comPECS DisplayRetina HD display4.7-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD Multi-Touch display with IPS technology1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi1400 1 contrast ratio (typical) ChipA11 Bionic chip with 64-bit architectureNeural engineEmbedded M11 motion coprocessor Camera12MP camera 1.8 apertureDigital zoom up to 5xOptical image stabilizationSix element lens Video Recording4K video recording at 24 fps 30 fps or 60 fps1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps720p HD video recording at 30 fpsOptical image stabilization for video Touch I.D



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