Hydroponic Fodder F-1100 Sprouting Sytem Self Contained Climate

For Sale is a Fodder that is 10 Wide 10 Tall and 20 Long F-1100 Sprouting System. It is in excellent condition and has been cleaned regularly owned for three years (purchased for 50 000) and has not been used in the last year. It is in perfect working condition and in need of a new home. Will work perfect for cattle horses or any other animals to offer delicious food full of nutrients for them. We are open to sensible offers feel free to call or text Ben Kaplan at 7078496920 anytime with questions or to coordinate a viewing inspection. Buyer will pay for shipping which will require a crane to lift the equipment onto a flatbed trailer. The F-1100 is completely self-contained and designed to be outdoors. It is precisely climate controlled and produces 1 100lbs of fodder each day.Lbs per day 1 100Biscuits per day 63Daily Seed required 173lbsDaily Water usage 335 gallons per day.Water inlet 3 4 (standard garden hose)Water outlet 1 1 2 Climate Control Adjustable heating and cooling water tank heater - Additional insulation available for cold climates.Lighting Full Spectrum fluorescent lightingElectrical requirements Dedicated 220v 30A circuit



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