Floor ScrubberPolisher-Po werFlite-Predator14- in warranty

Predator 14 by PowerFlite- This year s model..still in warranty This is a slightly used Powr-Flite Predator-14 Automatic Scrubber Model PAS14G. It has a couple of hours of use cleaning an gymnasium. Includes a 14 polymer brush Owner s Manual Warranty card and copy of sales receipt. This machine is awesome The manufacturer s description follows 14 Battery Automatic Scrubber The eco-friendly low moisture PAS14G automatic scrubber is designed to scrub hard-to-clean areas where a traditional mop and bucket are typically used because of space requirements. Compact and powerful the PAS14G automatic scrubber captures dirt and debris mops leave behind. Compact and versatile the PAS14G automatic scrubber is ideal for confined or small to medium sized areas in fast food restaurants small retailers classrooms hospitals medical offices and much more. Pad driver and brush NOT included. Features Eco-friendly low moisture system saves on chemicals and water Low operating noise of 68 dB is safer for employees allows for cleaning during business hours and meets LEEDS standards Comes complete with maintenance free gel batteries and integrated onboard charger making it simple to recharge at any location Low profile and fully adjustable handle make it easy to clean under counters desks and tables Gets excellent results on multiple hard floor types concrete terrazzo marble slate stone and vinyl composition Clean floors more efficiently Let s face it -- a mop and cleaning solution in a bucket starts out clean but quickly becomes soiled spreading dirt and debris over the clean floor. The new eco-friendly Predator 14 automatic scrubber will capture the dirt and debris mops leave behind allowing it to be totally removed from the floor space. The Predator 14 automatic scrubber s low moisture design includes an integrated parabolic squeegee system mounted just one inch behind the pad. Solution is contained and instantly recovered even around 180 turns. Floors are left clean dry and ready for use. The environment is cleaner and more sanitary



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