CFP and Watertech Save Charlotte

With all the concerns about water quality the recent spills by the power company and other issues about Charlottes water quality we are taking a proactive step to help you assure what you drink cook with and bath in are as clean as possible. We have the exclusive dealership program with one of the nations finest water filtration companies Watertech Products. Their approach is not a single-fold solution like with so many of the companies around town but a specific addressing of the water condition at the home or business. We perform FREE tests on municipal systems (and more extensively on wells community systems with a small processing charge). We then recommend solutions to solve the issues for good. No more buying filters every month or so our systems regenerate saving you hundreds a year. No more replacing media beds most of ours never need replacement All with one of the best warranties around. Can you afford to NOT KNOW whats in your water Visit us (at) or to learn what you may have been missing. We have the products ON SALE NOW with up to 250 OFF selected products.



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