to the autherizors

Well this is is heath tucker step sisiter and after carful consideration and lots of thinking and since I really have signed nothing if I had somthing to to sign HAHAIf my neicesw and x husband asnd jeff brother want to be the big bad autherizorers then you go rigjht ahead If muzzy ids pissed well she knows I liver herew and I cant be held responsibke for somthing I didnt know about and was not told. So if my kids lift a finger to help anyt family member wher it is a joke or not that includes joe now christi is different she probabhle didnt even know about his and matt you 10- card thing. So listen julie one opf my closest and dearst5 friends even if she says she dont want to talk to me I know she loves me so no missy and mary and tommy kenne tewll jamie IO said hi They got themselfs into this torries pines mess I meamnBig mikle knows how his brothjer is and wannamker knows how his son is did mr ross know trhat both of my girls had here as a techer and paster sherry well she is just the sweetest so you guys can autherize yourself right out of your own mess tootles dez kaylas mom



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