1950 Willys Overland Jeepster Red Convertible

Here is a sweet unmolested example of the sought after Jeep convertible phaeton. It has come my way and I gave it a thorough reconditioning so I could have a little fun with it in the hope of making a modest profit. It runs nicely and starts instantly with it s smooth engine which was fully serviced including tune-up and new timing gears. I m told the engine is the larger 161 C.I. six. The brakes are completely new and a good amount of front end and suspension work was recently done also and it s evident in the way this Jeepster drives. The five tires are near new and are wearing evenly. The clutch operates nicely but slips a little upon hard acceleration as of this writing. The headlights turn signals brake lights and horn are all working as is the heater. The folding seats convertible top and side curtains are all totally servicible. I have new black carpet that I ll install before delivery. The overdrive is not working.



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