1991 GMC Syclon

This GMC cyclone is in great shape It is completely stock and has not been modified. A lot of these of those who which remain (they only made 2995 of them) have been modified or trashed. This one has been taking care of and is in awesome shape for a vehicle that is 23 years old. Driver-side window does not roll up consistently. It works sometimes and not others. The side mirror on the passenger side is missing the glass. The mirror frame is there but the glass was broken when somebody bumped into it in the garage. The tires are in fair shape with Kuhmo brand tires. The (original) rims are immaculate with no curb check marks. The interior is clean and well kept. This vehicle sat in a garage and was rarely used. The battery is about a year old and has been tended. It starts right up The title is free and clear. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me DAROSA.76GIUNTA(at)outlook.com



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