1972 Imperial Pumper Fire Apparatus

Up for sale is a 1972 Imperial Pumper. Model D-10 serial 538. Miles show 25 222 on odometer. and hours show 1 404.Truck starts and runs great was started frequently.Engine > Straight six Detroit Diesel. (we think it is a 671 but could not find an ID plate.) Does have a oil leak But starts and runs great.Transmission - 5 Speed ManualWater Tank- 1 000 gal steel.Pump> Waterous CMBX Serial 40307 (originally it was a 1000 gpm pump BUT Failed it s last pump test)Discharges 2 1 2 x 4 1 1 2 x 2 3 x 1 1 x 1 (brush Reel on top. with Hose and electric motor )Intakes 2 1 2 x 4 5 x 3 (comes with 2 lines of hard suction)Radio and Light Bar have been removed. We have not tested all the intakes and discharges recently.Front tires were replaced shortly before she was demoted to reserve status so been sitting for a couple years with very few miles on them. Tread near to new.ONLINE AUCTION. Ends 04-12-2018 . To view full details please go to www.govdeals.com and enter 3649-6 in the QAL (Quick Asset Lookup) search box located on the homepage. GovDeals.com is the online platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. Price is subject to change at any time during ongoing auction.



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