2008 Ford F-350 SD XL 4WD

ONLINE AUCTION- Ends 4 16 18. To see full details for this item please go to www.govdeals.com and enter QAL 7114-112 in the Quick Asset Lookup QAL box located on the home page. These auctions are open to the public and to registered bidders. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property prior to placing a bid inspections are by appointment only.GovDeals.com is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION. 2008 Ford F-350 SD XL 4WD REGULAR CAB PICKUP 2-DR 5.4L V8 SOHC 24V. IT HAS A RAWSON-KONING SERVICE BODY WITH DRAWER PACKS ONE ON EACH SIDE. HAS A THIEMAN 1500LB ALUMINUM LIFT GATE WITH AN OVERALL 50 PLATFORM. HAS A REESE HITCH. THE TIRES ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. THE SERVICE BODY HAS SOME RUST THAT HAS BEEN TOUCHUP. THE TRUCK BODY IS IN GOOD CONDITION. THIS TRUCK WAS USED BY OUR MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT SERVICE. EVERYTHING IS OPERATIONAL AND READY TO DRIVE AWAY.



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